Research areas

  1. Analysis of different altitude training strategies to prepare high performance athletes (in collaboration with the University of Texas at Dallas and the Australian Institute of Sport).
  2. Functional and bio-energetic assessment in cyclic, intermittent and water sports and in special populations.
  3. Applications of Heart Rate Variability (HRV): determination of metabolic thresholds, adaptation to training and acclimatization to altitude (in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia).
  4. Development of techniques for analyzing EEG signals to study the cortico-cortical functional connectivity in elite athletes and in healthy subjects (in collaboration with the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and University of Foggia).
  5. Validation of a tensiomography measurer and effort analysis through tensiomiographic rating.
  6. Improvement of a prototype of bar vibration applied to the upper extremities and mid-term and acute effects of the application of vibration in different populations.
  7. Analysis of the efficiency of fast movements and battering skills.
  8. Design and development of a new bio-impedance system (“REAL-BIA”) for the assessment of body water contents.*
  9. Analysis of perceptual and motor, metabolic and muscle skills of motorcycle riders participating in the 24 hours of the Circuit of Catalonia 2008.
  10. Analysis of determning factors of competitive performance according to age, sex and sport speciality.
  11. Kinematic, dynamic, coordinative and motor learning study of basic (jumping) and complex (gymnastics skills) skills.
  12. Analysis and parameterization of nutritional and metabolic indicators in physical exercise.
  13. Vision and sports.
  14. Study of the mechanisms of fatigue using transcranial magnetic stimulation (in collaboration with the Learning and Motor Control Group, Faculty of Sports Sciencies and Physical Education, University of A Coruña).
  15. Design and validation of a system for analyzing gases in aquatic environment (in collaboration with the German Sport University and the University of Jyväskylä).

3 Responses to Research areas

  1. Estimados señores, junto con saludarlos les comento que me fascina mucho la investigación en ciencias de la actividad física la cual pretendo seguir desde el Máster en actividad Motríz 8aunque este no se oriente a esta área) y luego con el doctorado. Por lo mismo, me gustaría ser parte de vuestro grupo de investigación surante mi permanencia en Barcelona.

    Saludos y un abrazo.

    Jaime Vásquez Gómez
    Prof. Educación Física UCM Chile
    Magíster en Ciencias de la Actividad Física UCM Chile
    Estudiante de Máster en Actividad Motriz Univ. Barcelona – España

  2. Buenos días quisíera saber más sobre sus investigaciones, dónde podria obtener más iformación?

    Sobre todo de esots temas:
    – Analysis of determning factors of competitive performance according to age, sex and sport speciality.
    – Analysis and parameterization of nutritional and metabolic indicators in physical exercise.


    • xavieriglesias says:

      Hola Pol,

      en el Blog pots trobar els diferents enllaços a les publicacions i comunicacions realitzades. Si t’interessa alguna cosa en particular, t’hauràs d’adreçar a l’investigador en qüestió de forma directa.

      Gràcies per seguir-nos.

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