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Moras, G (2012). Metodología de entrenamiento de la movilidad articular. In A. Legaz, Manual de entrenamiento deportivo. Paidotribo, Barcelona. [ISBN: 978-84-9910-094-4]

Moras, G (2012). Control y evaluación de la amplitud de movimiento. In A. Legaz,Manual de entrenamiento deportivo. Paidotribo, Barcelona: 2012. [ISBN: 978-84-9910-094-4]

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Rodríguez, F.A., Mader, A. (2011). Energy systems in swimming. In L. Seifert, D. Chollet, I. Mújika (eds.). World Book of Swimming: From Science to Performance (chapter 11, pp. 225-240). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc. [ISBN 978-1-61668-202-6].

Truijens M.J., Rodríguez, F.A. (2011). Altitude and hypoxic training in swimming. In Seifert, L., Chollet, D., Mújika, I. (eds.). World Book of Swimming: From Science to Performance (chapter 20, pp. 393-408). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc. [ISBN 978-1-61668-202-6].


Quevedo, Ll., Solé, J. Entrenamiento visual en el deporte. In: Rodríguez, V.; Gallego, I., Zarco, D. Visión y Deporte. pp. 93-102. Barcelona: Glosa.

In press:

Rodríguez, F.A., Mader, A.
Energy systems in swimming. In: Seifert, L., Chollet, D., Mújika, I. (eds.). Swimming: Science and Performance. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.

Truijens, M.J., Rodríguez, F.A. Altitude and hypoxic training in swimming. In: Seifert, L., Chollet, D., Mújika, I. (eds.). Swimming: Science and Performance, Chapter 20. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.