The INEFC-Barcelona is a pioneering institution in research and innovation in the field of Physical Education and Sports, through our research group. We receive funding and have recently been recognized by the Government of Catalonia as a consolidated group in sports sciences (2009-2013)

To improve knowledge and praxis of physical activity and sport through scientific research, technological development, and innovation, with special focus on interdisciplinary research and excellence.

To promote and to undertake integrative and interdisciplinary scientific research in sport sciences, to disseminate the results in recognized international journals, to transfer new knowledge in the service of society, to improve the quality of life of healthy, disabled and ill people, to train young scientists in interdisciplinary scientific research, and to lead the progress towards a new scientific culture of sport and physical activity.

Scientific excellence
Internal and external collaboration
Internal cohesion and solidarity
Search and promotion of talent
Scientific ethics
Scholarly and professional promotion of our members

Strategic Aims

  1. To undertake high-quality research projects with human and financial resources from competitive grants and contracts with public bodies and and private companies
  2. To publish our results in indexed, high impact journals and national and international scientific conferences
  3. To train young researchers and to promote their scientific and academic career (mentoring)
  4. To transfer new knowledge to our society by providing services and making contracts with public bodies and private companies
  5. To spread and make visible the scientific, academic, and social activities of our group

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