Abstracts books:

Marina, M.,Torrado, P.,Angulo-Barroso, R., Busquets, A, Rios, J.G, Gasol, X  Turmo, T. (Julio 2012). Comparison of an intermittent and continuous forearm muscles fatigue protocol with motorcycle riders and control group. Book of Abstracts of the 17th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science (ECSS). Bruges (Belgica).

Marina, M.,Torrado, P., Angulo-Barroso, R., Busquets, A, Rios, JG, Gasol, X  Turmo, T. (Julio 2012). What happen with the contraction time and the half time to relaxation of the forearm muscles during an intermittent fatigue protocol? Book of Abstracts of the 17th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science (ECSS). Bruges (Belgica).

Torrado, P., Ferrer, B., Marina, M. Fiabilidad de los tests de salto vertical en gimnastas prepuberales. (Junio 2012). 7th FIEP European Congress. Barcelona.

Ferrer, B., Torrado, P., Marina, M. Influencia de las manifestaciones de la fuerza en el rendimiento del salto pliométrico en niños peripuberales. (Junio 2012). 7th FIEP European Congress. Barcelona.

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